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# Dotfiles
These are the configuration files I currently use for my daily driver setup of i3 etc.
# Multimonitor support
I have implemented a manual switching mechanism so that I can switch configuration if I'm at work, at home or just the laptop
# Components
* [i3-gaps](
* [Polybar](
* [i3lock-fancy](
* [Rofi](
* [Dunst](
* [URxvt](
## Applications
* [WeeChat](
* [ncmpc](
* [Newsbeuter](
# Themes
## Master Branch
### GTK
### Icons
### ZSH Prompt
### Colors
Backgrounds: #263238
#### Polybar
Focused Foreground: #009688
Unfocused Foreground: #BDBDBD
Urgent Foreground: #BF360C
#### URxvt
I've overridden two colors in URxvt to make the theming for some apps look right
URxvt*color1: #009688
URxvt*color2: #263238
### Weechat
I'm using the theme script to theme my weechat.
# Stow Commands
I use Gnu Stow to manage my dotfiles. Dotfiles from this repository can be used by issuing:
stow -t ~ i3
stow -t ~ dunst
stow -t ~ polybar
stow -t ~ rofi
stow -t ~ gtk
stow -t ~ zsh
stow -t ~ urxvt
stow -t ~ weechat
stow -t ~ ncmpc
stow -t ~ newsbeuter